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About Idaho Falls Music Academy

The story of Idaho Falls Music Academy really begins in 1995 in Tampa, Florida when Blake and Esther Leopold withdrew from a successful stage career and transitioned into full time teaching. Gifted in teaching as well as performance, their reputation soon grew and, securing a spot on their teaching schedule became increasingly difficult. So, due to increasing demand, Mr. and Mrs. Leopold opened the first of two private teaching studios. It was not long before the Leopold School of Voice and Piano became the most sought after private music school in the metropolitan Tampa area.

During their years of performance, the Leopolds traveled extensively throughout the western Unites States. It was during their many visits to “the West”, they decided to one day relocate to Idaho, a state that they had grown to love for its natural beauty and the wonderful people they met.

So in the fall of 2021, they sold their home and their teaching studios and moved to Idaho Falls. Never intending to open another teaching academy, their reputation soon found them out and the vision of Idaho Falls Music Academy was given. Thanks to the encouragement and support of the many new students and friends, that vision has become reality.