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Open Enrollment

Students may enroll for lessons at any time during the year. Regardless of the date of enrollment, each student is guaranteed a total of 40 lessons in any 12-month period. It is understood that enrollment is for the entire term. Holidays and all other scheduled breaks, including an extended summer break have been accounted for and will not reduce the total number of lessons a student receives.

Lessons and Reserved Lesson Times

All lessons are private and are offered in durations of 30, 45, or 60 minutes. Every effort is made to schedule a lesson on a day and at a time convenient to the needs of the student. Once that time has been agreed upon, it becomes the responsibility of the student to attend at that specific time each week.

Enrollment Fee

Before lessons can begin each student must have read the terms of service of Idaho Falls Music Academy and pay an enrollment fee of $25.00 or $40.00 for families with more than one enrolled student.


Tuition is due on the first of every month and is payment for a student’s course of study and reserves that student’s exclusive lesson time. It is not refundable under any circumstances and cannot be transferred without written consent from the director of Idaho Falls Music Academy. Tuition is paid monthly and is based on 40 weeks of study and not on the number of lessons in the month. See the chart below for details.

Number of Enrolled Students Lesson Duration Cost Per Lesson Number of Lessons Per 12-Month Period 12-Month Cost Monthly Tuition Payment Per Enrollment Student
1 student 30 Minutes $30.00 40 $1,200.00 $100.00
45 Minutes $45.00 40 $1,800.00 $150.00
60 Minutes $60.00 40 $2,400.00 $200.00
3 or more enrolled students in household 30 Minutes $27.00 40 $1,080.00 $90.00
45 Minutes $40.50 40 $1,620.00 $135.00
60 Minutes $54.00 40 $2,160.00 $180.00

Method of Payment

Each student or parent will receive a monthly invoice via email. Tuition may be paid on line or in person by cash or check. A payment drop box is located in the lobby.

Returned Checks

Checks returned by the student's bank or any other financial institution due to non-sufficient funds or for any other reason must be replaced by a cash payment no later than 5 business days from the date of notification. In addition, a service charge in the amount of $25.00 will be assessed.


If a lesson must be missed or canceled, a notice of 12 hours is required in order to become eligible to schedule a make-up lesson. No tuition credit will be given for cancelled lessons.

Make-up Lessons

Make-up lessons are available to eligible students and only scheduled between the hours of 10:00 and 3:00 on the second Saturday of every month, with the exception of holidays and summer break.


Consistency is vitally important when learning to sing or play an instrument. With that in mind, the student’s lesson time will be observed conscientiously, and it is assumed he/she will make it a priority to attend every scheduled lesson at the time agreed upon. Therefore, missed lessons will not be rescheduled to accommodate activities that conflict with the student’s regularly scheduled lesson. This policy is consistent with those of sports teams, dance programs, and camps. As a courtesy to others, students who are involved in school or community activities such as theater, choir, etc. must list their lesson time as a recurring commitment. PLEASE NOTE: Lessons will begin and end on time. A lesson will not be extended beyond the scheduled lesson appointment when the student arrives late. No-shows are considered forfeit and no adjustment or reduction in tuition is possible.

Scheduled Breaks

Breaks in the teaching schedule are scheduled months in advance and are closely aligned with most private and public school calendars. During these breaks, all lessons are temporarily suspended. Monthly tuition is not suspended during this time.

Teacher Replacement

Because of life changes or unforeseen circumstances in a teacher’s life, Idaho Falls Music Academy cannot guarantee that a student will retain the same teacher throughout his/her term of study. If it becomes necessary to replace your teacher, notification will be given in a timely manner with all the details of the new teacher.


If it becomes necessary to withdraw from lessons, written notification must be provided 30 days prior to the date of termination. After written notification, your status as an “Active Student” will remain in effect until the end of the billing cycle. Thereafter, all recurring billing will stop. Idaho Falls Music Academy reserves the right to terminate or suspend lessons at any time with or without cause.


Recitals are scheduled and hosted solely at the discretion of Idaho Falls Music Academy. Students are strongly urged but never required to participate. Any active student is eligible to perform after paying a fee of $25.00 at least 10 days before the date of the recital. Proper recital etiquette and attire will be required in order to participate.